Tag Archives: Perseverance

Day 611

Everybody’s problems are important– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 3 : 32 PM on day 611 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself Oats  for breakfast, drink Green Tea  by myself, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  exercise my right hand –  I can now  pick up a knife with my right hand now I just need more practice cutting  with it – and feed myself rice and curry for lunch.

Today as I was practicing picking up a knife with my right hand and listening to Teardrops on my Guitar by Taylor Swift I caught myself thinking if all you have to cry about is a boy you’re lucky in that moment I realized how unfair I was being by comparing my problems with Taylor’s we were different people with different problems. Do you walk around thinking you’re the one with the biggest problems?

Day 610

Whenever you have a chance pay it forward– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 3 : 47 PM on day 610 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself All Bran Flakes  for breakfast, drink Green Tea  by myself, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  exercise my right hand – FINALLY after trying, trying, trying and more trying I found a way to  pick up a knife with my right hand (yay me) still  need more practice though hopefully I can tick eating with a fork off my list tomorrow    – feed myself an avocado sandwich for lunch and watched TV.

This morning Jason  Ashberg – an aspiring filmmaker who happens to have mild Cerebral Palsy – contacted me asking if I would help get his short-film Dreamer funded by watching his video pitch and sharing the link to his fundraising page to which my answer was Hey Jason, I watched your video pitch it’s really good. I will help you spread the word any way I can 🙂 Is there any way you can extend your campaign on Indiegogo? I’m sure you would reach your goal if you did  🙂 I will even give you some tips on how you can raise funds for your film using Twitter if you are willing to set up an account. Yours truly, Nisha  because I have  been on the receiving end of the world’s kindness so many people helped me raise money to build a well in Kenya it’s only right that I pay it forward by helping Jason make his dream come true. For more information about Dreamer visit http://www.indiegogo.com/Dreamer-A-Short-Film-By-Jason-D-Ashberg as mentioned in the video above.

Day 609

Being ignored is worse than being hated– that’s what I learned today:)

It’s 3 : 45 PM on day 609 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself All Bran Flakes  for breakfast, drink Green Tea  by myself, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  exercise my right hand – still  need more practice picking up a knife with my right hand  – and feed myself an avocado sandwich for lunch.

Today I awoke to read a comment in response to Day 568  Nisha, I am both physically and mentally disabled but I do NOT want to be lumped into the “I am disabled” category that you are trying to create.  Trying to make everyone see themselves as “disabled” in some way or another is a pathetic attempt at you trying to make the world conform to you, rather than making the effort to blend seamlessly with it.   Instead of trying to drag everyone else down to your level, you need to step up your game and strive to live a full life as possible.  Part of the beauty of today’s world is that everyone can be different and still be accepted, but do not use your disability to guilt people into lowering their own standards to make you feel better. I read quite  few of your entries and the predominant posts are “I fed myself. I watched tv.”  Step up your game girl!  Instead of watching tv, attempt to learn to knit or crochet.  It is wonderful therapy for hand dexterity.  Take up flower gardening. Take up walking the neighbors dog for a bit of spending cash.  Do SOMETHING besides watching tv and trying to make everyone see themselves as disabled so that you feel better. What Wayne is telling you above is that your posts are depressing.   Nobody in their right mind wants to promote depressing, monotonous drivel like “I fed myself and watched tv because I’m disabled and you are too” suffice to say I was slightly shell-shocked but replied Hi, I think you misunderstand the intention of this blog post I am trying to get rid of some of the stigma around being “disabled”. I am sorry that you feel what I write is monotonous drivel I write about all the little things I do because a couple of years ago I couldn’t do them every day I try to learn how to do something new by myself. I want people to read my blog and know that it’s not too late for them to change and become the people they want to be :)Yours truly, Nisha PS. I beg you to read about who I am http://nishav360.com/2010/08/who-i-am/ before you judge me although I suppose it’s too late for that now. the way I look at it this person could’ve read the post and forgotten about it but they didn’t they took the time to tell me how pathetic my  efforts were as a writer there is no greater compliment I could receive.   Would you prefer to be hated or ignored?

Day 597

Every life has value – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 1 : 49 PM on day 597 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature, exercise my right hand – I practiced eating with a fork and knife  –  drink Green Tea  by myself,  exercise some more  and watch TV.

Yesterday The Water Project team sent me a link to the update of my project the well that I raised money for is currently under construction (estimated completion date is 05/31/2012)   in Kenya and when it’s built it will serve 550 people just goes to show you can’t tell what a person is capable of just by looking at them most people look past me and say mean things about me right to my face without knowing anything about me. Have you found the value in your life?

Day 596

I can’t fail – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 4 : 23 PM on day 596 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to publish my Disability of the Day feature,  brush my teeth,   feed myself scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast,  drink Green Tea  by myself,   exercise my right hand – I have now mastered  picking up and putting down a coffee mug with my right hand (yay me I rock) –feed myself  chicken biryani and drink yogurt  for lunch and watch TV.

Today as I was practicing picking up and putting down a coffee mug with my right hand I realized that I would never fail at anything in life thing about it what is failure, failure is not the inability  to do something failure is quitting after the first couple of times of not being able to do something and thanks to Cerebral Palsy I just don’t know how to quit because I’ve had to work hard for almost every ability I have.  Are you incapable of failure because you simply refuse to give up?

Day 589

There’s a lesson in everything and a teacher in everyone– that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 3: 29 PM on day 589 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself Oats for breakfast,  drink tea by myself,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, exercise my right hand – I can now pick up a coffee mug with my right hand (yay!) I need more practice putting it down though … some progress is better than no  progress 🙂 – and feed myself yogurt for lunch.

Today while exercising my right hand I was listening to StrongerKelly Clarkson’s latest album – and when I heard ‘You Can’t Win’ – track 12 on the album (click ‘Play’ below to listen to the song) – again I realized that no matter who you are you can’t please everybody people have said I spend too much time on the internet and when I go out people act like I’m not even there I’m done trying to please people I’m going to please me from today onwards – I will go to community events to educate people about people with disabilities (thank you Kelly for teaching me that I should dance to the beat of my own drum).   Do you see the lesson in everything and a teacher in everyone?

Day 587

There are some places I won’t be able to go and some things I won’t be able to do – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 4: 58 PM on day 587 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to hang out my family, prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself scrambled eggs  for breakfast, drink juice from a glass by myself, prepare and  publish my Kid of the Week feature,  work and help my brother with a school project – he had to create a collage of different types of packaging.

Yesterday was my sister’s Metric Dance – a South African equivalent of America’s senior prom – everybody was having fun until we went to see them off and I couldn’t get out of the car to  stand outside the school’s gate to see her entering the hall because  there was no parking I felt so different from other people that I cried –my sister  didn’t see me cry (thank God) she was in my uncle’s car– I knew and accepted the fact that I was different but I still wanted to do everything everybody else did now I have accepted that there’s some things other people will do that I won’t do and vice-versa. Do you know your limitations?

Day 586

It’s not what happens it’s what doesn’t happen that bothers people – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 3: 12 PM on day 586 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself All Bran Flakes and a boiled egg for breakfast, listen to music – I LOVE Kelly Clarkson‘s new album Stronger ‘What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger)’ and ‘You Can’t Win’ are two of my favorite songs on the album please listen to the songs and buy the album if you like what you hear 🙂 – and feed myself yogurt for lunch.

Yesterday we – my family and I – attended a prayer where a visiting bishop from India was preaching – the sermon was about the purpose of suffering in the Christian faith –he was quite funny until he mentioned his friend who said God gave him a crippled child because there was nobody else apt enough to raise him  then looked at my mother and said something along the lines of I know you’re sad but don’t think of her as a curse think of her as a blessing  I had no problem with what he said but the fact that he said it while I was sitting right there really bothered me because it showed me that he didn’t think I had a brain or feelings it’s my fault really I subconsciously thought him being a bishop and all he would be more exposed to people who are different.  Have you ever been upset by violated expectations?

Day 585

Try your best to be the best you can be regardless of how it makes other people feel – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 4: 28 PM on day 585 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself a boiled egg for breakfast, drink tea by myself, exercise my right hand,   feed myself rice and curry for lunch and exercise my legs.

Today as I was exercising my right hand by picking up and putting down a coffee mug my mom heard me groan – she’s been on sick leave since Wednesday due to bronchitis – and asked why are you groaning which in the past would have caused me to stop what I was doing because I know that it’s difficult for her to know that I’m  struggling but this time I replied I’m practicing  I’m not bothering you  and carried on doing what I was doing because I realized what I was doing to better myself was not  about her. Are you not trying to be the best that you can be on account of other people?


Day 583

You are the only person who can get in the way of what you want – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 2: 38 PM on day 583 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast,   prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature,   exercise my hands,   drink tea by myself, work, exercise my hands some more and watch TV.

Today as part of exercising my hands I held a coffee mug with my right hand which probably isn’t a big deal for most people but for me it was a HUGE DEAL considering I use my left hand for everything I do I think I succeeded in holding the cup today because I believed I could do it so from today onwards I will believe, think and say I can until I do. Are you getting in the way of what you want?