Tag Archives: Being your best

Day 585

Try your best to be the best you can be regardless of how it makes other people feel – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 4: 28 PM on day 585 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself a boiled egg for breakfast, drink tea by myself, exercise my right hand,   feed myself rice and curry for lunch and exercise my legs.

Today as I was exercising my right hand by picking up and putting down a coffee mug my mom heard me groan – she’s been on sick leave since Wednesday due to bronchitis – and asked why are you groaning which in the past would have caused me to stop what I was doing because I know that it’s difficult for her to know that I’m  struggling but this time I replied I’m practicing  I’m not bothering you  and carried on doing what I was doing because I realized what I was doing to better myself was not  about her. Are you not trying to be the best that you can be on account of other people?