Tag Archives: Being ignored is worse than being hated

Day 609

Being ignored is worse than being hated– that’s what I learned today:)

It’s 3 : 45 PM on day 609 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself All Bran Flakes  for breakfast, drink Green Tea  by myself, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  exercise my right hand – still  need more practice picking up a knife with my right hand  – and feed myself an avocado sandwich for lunch.

Today I awoke to read a comment in response to Day 568  Nisha, I am both physically and mentally disabled but I do NOT want to be lumped into the “I am disabled” category that you are trying to create.  Trying to make everyone see themselves as “disabled” in some way or another is a pathetic attempt at you trying to make the world conform to you, rather than making the effort to blend seamlessly with it.   Instead of trying to drag everyone else down to your level, you need to step up your game and strive to live a full life as possible.  Part of the beauty of today’s world is that everyone can be different and still be accepted, but do not use your disability to guilt people into lowering their own standards to make you feel better. I read quite  few of your entries and the predominant posts are “I fed myself. I watched tv.”  Step up your game girl!  Instead of watching tv, attempt to learn to knit or crochet.  It is wonderful therapy for hand dexterity.  Take up flower gardening. Take up walking the neighbors dog for a bit of spending cash.  Do SOMETHING besides watching tv and trying to make everyone see themselves as disabled so that you feel better. What Wayne is telling you above is that your posts are depressing.   Nobody in their right mind wants to promote depressing, monotonous drivel like “I fed myself and watched tv because I’m disabled and you are too” suffice to say I was slightly shell-shocked but replied Hi, I think you misunderstand the intention of this blog post I am trying to get rid of some of the stigma around being “disabled”. I am sorry that you feel what I write is monotonous drivel I write about all the little things I do because a couple of years ago I couldn’t do them every day I try to learn how to do something new by myself. I want people to read my blog and know that it’s not too late for them to change and become the people they want to be :)Yours truly, Nisha PS. I beg you to read about who I am http://nishav360.com/2010/08/who-i-am/ before you judge me although I suppose it’s too late for that now. the way I look at it this person could’ve read the post and forgotten about it but they didn’t they took the time to tell me how pathetic my  efforts were as a writer there is no greater compliment I could receive.   Would you prefer to be hated or ignored?