Tag Archives: Every life has value don’t judge people by what they look like

Day 597

Every life has value – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 1 : 49 PM on day 597 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature, exercise my right hand – I practiced eating with a fork and knife  –  drink Green Tea  by myself,  exercise some more  and watch TV.

Yesterday The Water Project team sent me a link to the update of my project the well that I raised money for is currently under construction (estimated completion date is 05/31/2012)   in Kenya and when it’s built it will serve 550 people just goes to show you can’t tell what a person is capable of just by looking at them most people look past me and say mean things about me right to my face without knowing anything about me. Have you found the value in your life?