Tag Archives: The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. – Frank A. Clark

Day 223

The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. – Frank A. Clark

It’s 10: 05 PM on day 223 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself Appam – A bread made of rice batter – and beef curry for breakfast and spend Easter lunch and dinner with my family (see pictures below).

Today lying on a mattress in my aunt’s TV room I heard that my cousin’s nine-year-old daughter was getting her father’s ‘old’ BlackBerry and in that moment I couldn’t help feeling as though my cousin and her husband were missing a trick with regards to their parenting because in the twenty years that I’ve been alive I’ve never owned an ordinary cellphone let alone a BlackBerry and not because I didn’t want one either but because I wanted to wait until I could pay for it myself. Are you spoiling your children by giving them everything they want on a silver platter?

My geandma and I

My grandma sleeping (I love this picture it's so cute)

My cousin's son – Shaun

My cousin’s daughter – Shannon

My sister – Neethu