Tag Archives: Living

Day 2972: Existing Vs. Living

The difference between existing and living is the contribution we make to the world- that’s my message to the world.


It’s 7: 33 AM on day 2972 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse  and do some work.


Yesterday I was reminded that money and fame are not my end-goal in life what’s most important to me is that every day I exist the world is better BECAUSE OF ME sometimes I volunteer my time and other times I give of my resources. Make a difference WHEREVER YOU ARE in whatever way that you can.

Day 2778: 2018: The Year of Everybody Else

2018 is everybody else’s year – that’s what I realized.


It’s 11 : 30 AM on day 2778 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 2 Timothy 1:7,  have breakfast, – and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –  raised  $14 409 only $4 341 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.


This morning I wanted to arrange to go hot-air-ballooning until I realized everybody in my family has something going on this year (my mom’s going to india in June to visit my gran, my sister’s going to Australia to do her elective in June, my brother’s currently in his final year of high school and I don’t expect my dad to drive me long distances alone anymore he’s got back issues) 2018 doesn’t seem to be my year for crazy adventures and it’s make me sad I’ve been through so much pain this year I wanted to do something fun just for me I guess I should be happy just to be alive but before my surgery I promised myself that if i got out of that operating room alive I would continue helping people (which I’m trying to do) and also that I would travel more and do more fun things just for myself (which I’m finding hard because I need someone to come with me everywhere and everybody has things to do I’m not selfish enough to ask people to stop their lives just so they can help me live mine)

Day 2735: Fear Has Nothing On Me

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. – Helen Keller


It’s 8 :  59 AM on day 2735 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read   Malachi 4:2 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $12 559 only $6 191 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 75 kids with clubfoot (thanks so much to everyone who has helped out so far).


This morning I will make my first non-medical outing since my surgery on February 22nd I live in hope that I don’t accidentally further injury myself but whatever happens I know I can’t live in a bubble my whole life treating my body like breakable glass.

Day 2196: Living and Existing

There’s a difference between living and existing – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 03  PM on day 2196 of my journey towards independence and I managed to go to church, have breakfast,  read Ephesians 2: 8   and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $7 675 only  $4 825 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday it occurred to me that there’s a difference between living and existing sometimes we live the same day over and over again and we confuse that with living.

Day 1506: Making the most of life

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

Ecclesiastes 9: 7 – 10


It’s 12 : 14  PM on day 1506 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Song of Songs 1, publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings, feed myself a peanut butter sandwich and a banana for breakfast and promote my Educate Generations campaign –  still on $750 but that’s fine when the donations aren’t coming in as fast as I’d like I focus on raising awareness about girls’ education.


Recently South Africa was rocked by a high profile shooting tragic events such as this remind me to love, laugh and do meaningful things with my life.