Tag Archives: Fear

Day 2744: The Fearful Me

Be careful what you wish for – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 08 PM on day 2744 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  have breakfast, read Leviticus 20:8 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –raised  $12 659 only $6 091 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.


Yesterday as per my request the screw in my toe and the bandages one my arm were removed which I thought would be awesome but I only found out afterwards was that the that the screw was only supposed to be taken out after 6 weeks not 4 (the doctor took it out 2 weeks early because I asked him too if I had known it was 2 weeks too early I wouldn’t have said anything) now I have to be extra careful not to bump toe (every near-miss makes me freak out ) and I’m on another course of antibiotics…  I hate living scared in my own body I’m the one who jumps off cliffs and swings from the treetops this fearful me is not me at all I guess when fear knocks I just have to answer with faith.

Day 2735: Fear Has Nothing On Me

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. – Helen Keller


It’s 8 :  59 AM on day 2735 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read   Malachi 4:2 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $12 559 only $6 191 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 75 kids with clubfoot (thanks so much to everyone who has helped out so far).


This morning I will make my first non-medical outing since my surgery on February 22nd I live in hope that I don’t accidentally further injury myself but whatever happens I know I can’t live in a bubble my whole life treating my body like breakable glass.

Day 2714: The Opposite of Fear

The opposite of fear is faith more than courage – that’s what I have to keep reminding myself


It’s 2 : 28 PM on day 2714 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Zephaniah 3:17,  have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –   A HUGE thanks to Ciya and Riya who donated $50  which brings the total raised to  $7 681 only $4 819 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.



Recently I read somewhere the opposite of fear is faith this quote has come at the right time for me I’ve been afraid a lot lately and I’ve realized I’m most afraid when I rely on my humanness instead of relying on God’s divinity which we are all connected to by faith.

Day 2232: Purpose in the Face of Fear

Fear is nothing in the face of purpose – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 :  26 AM on day 2232 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read Romans 5:1,  learn one new thing – Definitions for compunction
1. a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse. 2.any uneasiness or hesitation about the rightness of an action. – and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 136.04 only  $4 363.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday my brother asked me how can you go ziplining when you’re scared of little heights (he’s right I’m scared of most things most of the time but I refuse to be ruled by fear) and I said I’m not scared because I’m not doing it for myself I’m doing it for Smile Train fear is nothing in the face of purpose.

Day 2115: Mastering Fear

“Do what you fear and fear disappears.” – David Joseph Schwartz


It’s 12 : 21  PM on day 2115 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read John 8: 36 , learn one new thing – The name Greenland comes from Scandinavian settlers. In the Norse sagas, it is said that Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland for murder. He set out in ships to find land rumoured to be to the northwest. After settling there, he named the land Grfnland (Greenland), possibly to attract more people to settle there. – have breakfast, go visit Josh and the kids at  UThixo Ulungile Ministries @ Stoney Drift – it was so much fun the kids are so sweet –    and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –Daleen Barnard  donated $25 (thanks so much Daleen) which brings the total raised to $6 520 only  $5 980 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far 🙂 ).


Today I realized that if I don’t master my fear I will be enslaved to it so from now onwards fear won’t stop me I will use it as fuel to perform at my best.

Day 2110: My Real Greatest Fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson


It’s 12 : 07  PM on day 2110 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Deuteronomy 31:6, have breakfast, learn one new thing – According to botanists (those who study plants) a fruit is the part of the plant that develops from a flower. It’s also the section of the plant that contains the seeds. The other parts of plants are considered vegetables. These include the stems, leaves and roots — and even the flower bud.-and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    – raised $5 910 only $340 more to raise before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far 🙂 ).


Last night I realized that how great I could be scares me more than failure and utter humiliation does.

Day 2040: Fear and Faith

Where there’s faith there’s no fear– that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 12 : 45 PM on day 2040 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Revelation 17, have breakfast, learn one new thing – Most octopuses can eject a thick, blackish ink in a large cloud to aid in escaping from predators. The main coloring agent of the ink is melanin, which is the same chemical that gives humans their hair and skin color.- and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign –raised $5 456  only $794  more to raise by 10 Jan 2017  (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far :)  ).


This morning I realized people use fear to get us to buy stuff that we most often don’t need fear of ageing sells anti-ageing products, fear of crime sells security systems, fear of being the odd one out makes us buy designer clothes (that we can’t afford)…… the world is trying to use our fears to get us to consume and acquire more but I seldom fall for it because I know that whatever else I don’t have I have God.

Day 1876: India, Fear and Ignorance

“To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” ― Taylor Swift


It’s  12 :  43 PM on day 1876 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Acts 21, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing -Definitions for desultory 1) digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark. 2) lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.- have breakfast and work on my potential future project.


As you may or may not know my family and I are going on vacation to India in less than a month I am both excited for and apprehensive about our trip excited because I haven’t seen my family over there in like three years and apprehensive because the last time I was there every time I went out in public I was made to feel like a circus-freak my parents will probably try to keep me inside in an effort to protect me but they will fail miserably because come what may I fully intend on being out there in public in people’s faces I refuse to hide in my house like I’ve committed some sort of crime I’ve earned the right to roll through this life with my head held high.


(Note: My intention in writing this post is not to give India or my fellow Indians a bad name I’m just writing from my past experience).

Day 1862: Doing what scares you

If something you’re doing scares you and gives you the I’m-going-to-puke feeling you’re definitely on the right track – that’s what I realized today.


It’s  12 :  31  PM on day 1862 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Acts 7, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing –The male great horned owl is smaller than the female and has a much lower-pitched call. – have breakfast, continue working on my local project – it’s no wonder people these days only have a few kids I was checking out the prices I was actually shocked to see that teddy bears and dolls cost R100 or more (I kid you not) but I will make a plan I think I already have – and read Catherine Constantinides… an incredible South African focused on positive change! by  Brent Lindeque – it’s a great article (ok fine maybe I am more than a little biased because  the article is about Catherine but I still say it’s a great article that everybody should read).


Today thinking about the local project I’m currently working on it occurred to me that I’m doing exactly when I’m supposed to be doing because 1) it scares me and 2) it gives me the I’m-going-to-puke feeling – which are the signs that you’re having an experience that is growing you as a person.

Day 1552: Fear Come True

“There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them.” – Andre Gide


It’s 12 : 05 PM on day 1552 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 37,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,   promote my Educate Generations campaign– on $1 190 – feed myself egg with bread for breakfast and continue promoting the Educate Generations campaign – still on $ 1 190 but I continue to be grateful 🙂


This year one of my worst fears came true and I came through it just fine in fact I learned a lot from the experience my fear of what could happen was worse than what actually happened. Have you come to realize that nothing is as scary as you make it out to be in your head?