Tag Archives: Life

About Yesterday… HUGE THANKS to eNCA

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” – Madeleine Albright

Thanks Tanya Nefdt and eNCA for this feature on me and my book Different Is COOL yesterday

To buy my Kindle book please visit  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LLFNHL2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1603353427&refinements=p_27%3ANisha+Varghese&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Nisha+Varghese

Teaching Girls True Beauty #BeautifulMe

Beauty is confidence – that’s my message to the world

Recently I asked the women of Twitter to show me their faces without make-up in an effort to teach little girls what true beauty is and I was blown away by the response. Take a look


My New Rule

Don’t dwell on those who can’t or won’t help you focus on those who do – my new rule

Today, twenty-four days into 2020, I have resolved to no longer  dwell on those who can’t or won’t help me and to instead focus on those who do – I have ideas and projects all I can do is present them well if people help me implement them I will be delighted and so grateful and if not I will move on and find more people to present to I won’t spend hours dissecting why the people I thought could help me chose not to because it’s really not productive.

My 2019 Life Purposes and Goals in Review

“Make measurable progress in reasonable time.” – Jim Rohn

As we near the end of 2019 it is again time to review the goals I set at the beginning of the year

My 2019 Life Purposes and Goals in Review

My Life’s Purposes

  1. Fill the world with kindness and love [did my best]
  2. Make a difference – level the playing field for people who were born with the cards stacked against them [did my best]
  3. Change perceptions about differently-abled people [did my best]

2019 Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest, generous, grateful and filled with wonderment [did my best]
  2. Raise $28 000 for Charity:Water in honour of my 28th year of life (when we give water we give ,health, education and lost time back – I want to give one thing that changes EVERYTHING) [raised $4 141]
  3. Every day be the best SuperSidekick to Superhero Catherine Constantinides (she’s the best, most hardworking real-life Superhero I’ve ever met she totally deserves me forever  and no matter what else I’m doing in life I will always be here for her) [did my best with love she’s extraordinary i’m honoured to support all her hopes and dreams]
  4. Publish my Moments Journal(s) [FAIL – did not try]
  5. Make an income – doing good is wonderful and I’m proud that I’m known for that but also I need a steady income I don’t feel good about myself being financially dependent on my family at almost 28 years old [i made a wage which is a start but in 2020 i’m hoping for a steady stream of money]
  6. Teach kids and adults worldwide that Different Is COOL [did my best]
  7. Continue to raise awareness about the Western Sahara conflict – the Western Sahara has been illegally occupied by Morocco for the past 42 years due to the fact that it’s rich in natural and though the UN promised a referendum in 1991 it has yet to come to pass meanwhile half of the Saharawi People have been living in the refugee camps in Algeria for 43 years [did my best]
  8. Choose people who choose me [ I did choose people who chose me realizing the phone works both ways]
  9. Read 12+ books [read 9 books – most were romance novels but still]
  10. Plant one tree or more [we bought a tree and our gardener helped us plant it in November]
  11. Do 28+ good deeds – for my 28th year of life [I did a few but didn’t keep count so i’ll never know if i achieved this goal]
  12. Say no,thank you when people ask if they can pray for me (in the context of me one day being healed) [did my best – there was interesting incident with our carpenter]
  13. Visit London, Paris and Rome [did not happen this year]

7 Lessons of the Decade

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” -”
― Michael Altshuler

As we prepare to enter a new decade I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned from the current decade

7 Lessons of the Decade

1. Tomorrow is promised to nobody
2.We are defined by WHAT WE GIVE not what we have
3.Little Things are the BIG THINGS
4.People matter most and the right ones will love you as you are
5. Kindness is the compass that will guide you to happiness
6.People will say things about you, you can believe them or YOU
7.Fear is just a feeling

Going Into Battle For My Mommy’s Right To A Life Outside Of Me

Some people want to know what’s going on in your life so they can judge not help– that’s what I’ve realized

Today I was somewhere and the women there were very curious when my mother was returning and how we were coping I tried to be as polite as possible but the undertone of judgement with which the questions were asked really irritated me especially since nobody asked anything of my father (patriarchy is real). I don’t expect my mother to be tied to me every day of her life but apparently the rest of the world does I will fight for my mom’s right to have a life outside of me she must live, truly be happy and in so doing be an example to all us kids  

Day 3192: The One Thing I Would Do If I Could Walk

Life is all about being able to adapt – that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 12: 58 PM on day 3192 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $3 188 of $28 000 with 105 days to go

The first morning without my parents almost turned into a disaster when we thought the housekeeper wasn’t showing up (my sister is a doctor and on-call today which means she won’t be home till tomorrow afternoon – our housekeeper, Amanda, will stay the night to help me) when I thought Amanda wasn’t showing up my first thought oh my god who’s going to take me to pee – my brother is here and can do most things but I couldn’t ask him to take me to the bathroom especially not while I’m on my cycle – ) the things I have to worry about are non-issues for most people when you need to go to the bathroom I bet you just get up and go without worrying that your need to go to the bathroom might be interrupting what someone else is doing if I could walk for a day that’s what I would do – go to the bathroom all by myself (I’m not even kidding that’s the one thing I ache to do I just want to go to the bathroom without bothering anyone)     

My Fight to Keep My Bodily Autonomy and Dignity #CerebralPalsy

The hardness of life is what make it so beautiful – that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 4: 18 PM on day 3174 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $2 822 of $28 000 with 32 days to go

Today as I was screaming for our housekeeper to take me to pee (she was outside) I felt again the hardness of my own life -when going to the bathroom becomes an event you know things are atypical – I’ve been told many times we can put you in a diaper, maybe pee in a bedpan, we can put you on pills to stop your period and while I do appreciate the suggestions and know they are meant to help me I won’t wear a diaper (I know when I need to go and am capable of telling people so), I won’t use a bedpan and I most certainly will not take pills to stop my period…I will fight to the death to keep my dignity and autonomy over my body  

Day 3166: Make Beautiful Moments

Life is made in moments not days– that’s what I have realized

It’s 1: 56 PM on day 3166 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible verse, spend time outside   and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Joe’s $56 donation we’ve now raised $2 822 of $28 000 with 40 days to go

Today reflecting on my life I was shocked to realize I remembered specific moments not entire days. Life is made in moments not days so make beautiful moments.

Day 3143: Small Moments Strung Together

It’s often small beautiful moments strung together that make life magical – that’s what I was reminded of yesterday   

It’s 4: 24 PM on day 3143 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water – we’ve now raised $2 452 of $28 000 with 63 days to go

Yesterday I was reminded that It’s often small beautiful moments strung together that make life magical not the lavish parties or other things.