Tag Archives: accepting yourself

Day 319

We are not human beings we are human becomings – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 8: 24 PM on day 319 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, clean myself –  my mother wasn’t here so I had to do it myself which is a good thing I suppose 🙂 – feed myself Chapati for breakfast,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck today but my cousin and her husband made a second combined dination of $200 yesterday although I wasn’t able to appreciate the gift fully at the time because I couldn’t stop thinking about my brother I miss the little guy hopefully God will take my good deeds into account and make him feel better soon 🙂 – feed myself rice and curry for lunch hang out with my mom– she came back home to  change – feed myself oranges for dinner,  brush my teeth once more, go with my father to drop my mother back off at the hospital and watch TV.

Today because my mother was in the hospital with my brother I had to do everything virtually by myself and I was struggling to put on my t-shirt I realized that it was okay that I could only get one sleeve of my shirt off because maybe tomorrow I could take them both off and eventually undress and redress myself and that I guess is my message to all of you accept yourself where you are and be grateful for all you can do. Are you stuck in the mud or constantly becoming more of who you are?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 192

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. – Confucius

It’s 9: 08  PM on day 192 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a cheese and lettuce sandwich   for breakfast,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck –  feed myself rice and curry for lunch, tweet about my campaign some more – no donations were made but you would never guess who responded to one of my tweets … country music superstar Leann Rimes I know she’s just a person but come ‘on I’ve been listening to her music since I was 10 so naturally I was a tad star struck … it was a nice early birthday present from the man upstairs 🙂 –     feed myself Chapati – an unleavened flatbread – and mutton gravy  for  dinner   continue to  tweet about my campaign  –  still no luck – and watched TV.

Today as I was lying on my bed staring at the TV I couldn’t help but make a list in my head of all the things I’ve learned in my adolescences and this is what it looks like on paper:

Lessons I’d like to pass onto the next generation  

  • People will only treat you how you treat yourself e.i you have to love, respect and accept yourself before others can


  • Everything is in the way you see it e.g. you don’t have enough money to ride the bus you can either whine about it or you can say oh well I can walk I need the exercise anyway


  • Always be grateful for what you have because there’s always someone out there who has less than you