Tag Archives: Life taking monumental effort

Day 846

Life itself takes monumental effort– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s  6 : 16 PM on day 846 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to take off my shirt my old shirt and put  on a new shirt – for the first time ever I was able to take off a shirt which has buttons which is very difficult when you have Cerebral Palsy because you lack fine motor skills –  brush my teeth, feed myself an egg sandwich for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature, go visiting,    feed myself rice and curry for lunch and entertain visitors.

This morning I was perspiring just trying to take off my shirt that’s how much effort it takes for me to do everyday things but it was what it was complaining about it wasn’t going to make things any easier so I sucked it up and worked at it until I was able to take off my shirt my point is when you’re in a situation you cannot change know that life itself takes monumental effort and do what needs to be done.   Do you get through the day with a smile on your face even though it takes a monumental effort?

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