Tag Archives: Learning what it means to be present

Day 625

Just go with it– that’s what I keep learning  🙂

It’s 2 : 33 PM on day 625 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, drink  Green Tea by myself,   feed myself All Bran Flakes, a boiled egg  and a banana for breakfast,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, add Shasta’s Kickstarter widget to the sidebar of this blog – Shasta over at Outrageous Fortune wrote a children’s book called Dark & Light: A love story for babies to raise money to pay for her son Malachi’s medical expenses (Malachi is almost two and has Cerebral Palsy) please support Shasta’s Kickstarter campaign –  and exercise my right hand –  I  cut  sausage into smaller pieces using a knife with my right hand today I had the hardest  time picking up the knife with my right hand I wish I had exercised more but stuff came up.

This morning I had planned out my whole day and everything was going great until my grandma had a semi-meltdown – according to doctors she has Dementia so meltdowns are to be expected – now that I look back on it I’m glad it happened because I learned what it truly means to be present while my grandma was in a state of irritation my only goal was to find out what was bothering her and fix it I wasn’t thinking about all the other things I had to do like I usually did when I was doing something.  Have you learned to tear up your schedule and just go with it?