Tag Archives: Goals

Day 2762: Dream Big and Dare to Fail

“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.” – James Cameron

It’s 12: 26 PM on day 2762 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  have breakfast, read Revelation 5:9 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –raised  $13 334 only $5 415 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.


Today I have a dream that’s ten sizes too big for me but because it’s for someone else I’m going to go for it and if I fail I would have done so daring greatly. Dream big and dare to fail who knows you may just succeed.

Day 2674: Always Be Reaching

Goals are dreams with a deadline – that’s what I know.


It’s 11 : 10 AM on day 2674 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 2 Corinthians 5:17 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $6 816 only $5 684 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot .


Today is day 9 of 2017 and so far I’m actively working on 7 of 22 goals (most of them are things I’m hoping to do every day the whole year) I’m pleased with the progress made so far but not nearly satisfied (I’ll always be grateful for progress made but never content I plan to stay hungry and foolish for the rest of my life – ABR (Always Be Reaching)).

Day 2665: 2017 Goals Update

Reflection is necessary for progress – that’s what I keep realizing


It’s 11 : 20 AM on day 2665 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,read Romans 8:28,  have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –   A HUGE thanks to Inna Velasquez who donated $150 and Shaun Francis and family who donated $100  which brings the total raised to  $6 616 only $5 884 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.


Last night I looked by at my 2017 goals and assessed my progress (some goals I achieved, some goals I semi-achieved while others I didn’t even attempt for many reasons). Take a look:


2017 Goals Update


  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous [I tried]
  2. Raise at least $250 more for my 25 Smiles Campaign before it ends 9 days from today (January 10, 2017)  [final total raised $10 317.04]
  3. Publish my book Defying the odds: Where there’s a wheel, there’s a way[everything is done I just have to reread, fix a  picture and send the book to agents or publishers]
  4. Keep in touch with my aunties, uncles and grandmother [I did as often as I could]
  5. Call at least one person a month just to hi or thank you [I did most months except November]
  6. Read 10 + books [read 6 book – 6 books is not 10 but it’s not 0]
  7. Donate to or raise money for Miss Earth South Africa – it’s a leadership programme that empowers young South African women to combat climate change (they put in food gardens in schools and communities, organize  beach clean-ups, do talks in schools and collect stationary for school kids….. truly phenomenal work)
  8. Donate to or raise money for Jumping Kids – a South African NPO that provides prosthetics to disadvantaged kids across the country
  9. Donate to or raise money for the Sunshine Children’s Home – a children’s home in my town doing phenomenal work (I went there last year and I was so touched to see how well taken care of the kids were – the adults there are family to those kids they do everything possible to make sure the kids have everything they need)
  10. Donate to the Panda Crew – the Panda Crew are basically a group of friends who go around doing good in their spare time (love my Panda brothers they are everything that’s good and right about our world)
  11. Go paragliding in Cape Town (people are going to think I’m crazy but I’ve ziplined (if  I can get my parents, my physiotherapist and a paragliding company to go along with it) I know I can paraglide (in tandem with a skilled pilot)) (NOBODY can tell me I can’t do something I KNOW I can do I BELIEVE in my own unlimited human potential) [Update : We made the booking to go paragliding on April 8, 2017 -health and weather permitting on the day I will paraglIde with  Fly Cape Town Paragliding on April 8, 2017]
  12. Try painting [yesterday I drew a house and painted it with kiddie watercolours]
  13. Meet Ella Constantinides-Leite
  14. Meet Brent Lindeque
  15. Meet Kerri Stein
  16. Meet Sebastian Schütte  and the Panda Crew
  17. Meet Yusuf Abramjee
  18. Meet Phuti Mahanyele
  19. Diarize at least one good moment of every day [I did this more often than I didn’t]
  20. Learn a new word every day [this was a flop I didn’t more often than I did]
  21. Learn Sesotho [learned most of the vocabulary and recorded the whole thing I still remember some of the words and phrases ]
  22. Go to Paris, Rome, Athens and London



Day 2528: Overriding immature Feelings

At times when you don’t see the fruits of your labour override your immature feelings and keep working – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 51  PM on day 2528 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read James 1:2-4,  have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised to $2 875 only $9 625 more to raise  by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.


Today I realized that the decision we make to override our immature feelings and keep working when we don’t see results is perhaps the most important decision we will ever make while we are striving to achieving our goals,


Day 2508: Me Multi-Goal Oriented and Multi-Passionate

Be focused but don’t put all your eggs into one basket – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 07 AM on day 2508 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read  Psalm 30:2,  have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised to $2 555 only $9 945 more to raise  by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot .


Yesterday I was reminded of the importance of doing  different things every day to make the world a better place so that even when I feel like one project is stuck all is not lost I guess my dad is right one shouldn’t put all one’s eggs into a single basket which is not to say one shouldn’t be focused on achieving specific goals it just means one can have more than a single goal and a single passion.


Day 2375: Flexible in Method

All of us can do anything once we let go of wanting to do it like everybody else– that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 : 14 AM on day 2375 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read Psalm 1: 1 and learn a new word – Definitions for code-switching
1. the modifying of one’s behavior, appearance, etc., to adapt to different sociocultural norms: For many female Muslim students, code-switching from their home environment to that of school requires forgoing the hijab.


This morning I realized that all of us can do anything once we let go of wanting to do it like everybody else does it I for the longest time wanted to do everything the way people who could walk did it and sometimes it still breaks my heart that I can’t but I have come to accept that if I am to live the full life that I want to live I have to be committed to my goals but flexible in my methods.


Day 2340: 8 Dreams and Goals I’d like to help others achieve

There’s joy in helping other people make their dreams come true– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 :  28 PM on day 2340 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast read Mark 12:30-31 and learn a new word – Rapier [ra·pi·er] n. Quick and incisive. A sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting. “Rapier combat was not for the meek.” “Rapier wit.”


Yesterday I was making a mental list of the dreams and goals I would like to help my family and friends accomplish I wrote them down today so I don’t forget. Take a look:


8 Dreams and Goals I’d like to help others achieve

  1. Give my mother a day off (I feel so bad other women my mom’s age are almost empty-nesters and but for me she almost would be I cannot imagine what it must be like to work full-time and have to take care of a fully-grown 25-year-old in your 50s it must be breaking her heart and her body)
  2. Earn money to give to dad so he can invest (he loves investing he gets so excited talking about it although I think he invests to ensure that my siblings and I will be well taken care of when he’s not around (dad I appreciate it but I know deep within myself that money won’t be a problem for me in the future I don’t know how I know I just do God will take care of me because I try every day to take care of others))
  3. Buy my brother a pair of Havaianas (R700 is a ted expensive for slippers and we’ve always tried to teach my brother that life is not about material possessions but he’s a good kid works hard in school and helps anyone whenever he can so I’m going try and get him those slippers)
  4. My sister works really hard, is nice to everyone and asks for nothing I want to get her something awesome when she graduates from med school (I’m still trying to figure out what that something will be but it will be awesome)
  5. Organize a TV for Sisi Amanda (her TV got damaged and she’s been wanting another ever since)
  6. Help Superhero Catherine Constantinides free the Western Sahara (the Western Sahara is a country that has been illegal occupied by Morocco for the past 41 YEARS it’s shocking to me that only a few people are raising hell about this. Please take a minute to read and share Catherine’s articles about this issue In the Quest for Climate Justice, Who’s Left Out? By Letting Morocco Back In, The African Union Ignores Colonisation   )
  7. Help Jodene Shear meet the pre-order sales target of her book The Holistic Entrepreneur: How to Succeed by Focussing on Self-Worth, Intuition, and Happiness (if any of you have a Kindle please do pre-order the book)
  8. Help Steph visit her kids in Australia (or have them come visit her)

Day 2333: Changing Your Plans

When things don’t go as planned don’t change your goals change your plans– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 10: 04  AM on day 2333 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Ecclesiastes 7:9 and learn a new word – Nascent [nas·cent] adj. Recently coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential. Not yet fully developed; emerging. “The business remains nascent but very promising.”


A week ago I decided I wanted to go help out at a local baby care centre and yesterday my dad drove me there only to find  that the place was locked I was so bummed but it’s okay I will go again sometime soon (I have every excuse not to participate in life but I do so precisely because it’s so hard hopefully seeing how hard I try will inspire others to try hard too).

Day 2329: Overcoming obstacles to accomplish goals

Overcoming obstacles to accomplish goals makes accomplish them even sweeter   – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 2 : 24 PM on day 2329 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, go to the mall, read Zechariah 4:6 and learn a new word -Definitions for parergon 1. something that is an accessory to a main work or subject; embellishment.2.work undertaken in addition to one’s principal work.


Today I had to jump through hoops to accomplish one of my 2017 Goals which made me realize yet again that overcoming obstacles to accomplish goals makes accomplish them even sweeter.

Day 2328: When Writing Down Goals Actually Works

“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” – Denis Waitley


It’s 9: 55 AM on day 2328 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read Psalm 1: 4  and learn a new word – Churlish [churl·ish] adj. Rude in a mean-spirited and surly way. “It was rather churlish of him to complain about the small donations.”


Yesterday I was looking at my 2017 Goals and was pleasantly surprised to see I had already done or am doing most of the stuff on the list (writing down goals works if you write them down and intentionally work on them every day).