Tag Archives: Facebook

Day 161

A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying – Nelson Mandela

It’s 10: 16 PM on day 161 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today – bread and jam for brunch, create a Facebook account for this blog – add http://www.facebook.com/adventuresofme as a friend and tell me what’s important to you and who knows I might just write a post about it – my blog is your blog 🙂 –    and feed myself rice and curry   for dinner, exercise for 5 minutes and watch The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Today lying on my bed in deep dismay over the fact that nobody had donated I thought to myself it is the global recession people are broke, jobless and have their own children to feed and suddenly I remembered my own story and thought you were broke, jobless and disabled and you still managed to scrounge $82 together to give water to those in need and that’s when I realized that the mere fact that I tried to make a difference was reason enough to smile. Are you a saint who keeps on trying or a sinner who gave up way back when? 🙂

Day 153

Isolation is the beginning of oppression – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 11: 11 PM on day 153 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself mangoes for breakfast, meditate for two hours – we had a power outage so it’s not like I had anything better to do but still it was nice 🙂 – feed myself barbecued chicken for lunch,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – Emma from Cambridge  – who by the way had  donated TWICE before  – sacrificed her Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts for a week and donated $5 – I LOVE people like her who sacrifice what they want to give others what they need 🙂 – formulate a questionnaire for the book I’m writing – I’ve always wanted to know how woman lived in different parts of the world so about two days ago I came up with this idea to find woman from different countries all over the world on Twitter and ask them to fill out a questionnaire consisting of 20+ questions ranging from their skin-care regimes to their religious beliefs – and send it to my friend Amy of the PennDragonArt Studios for her to fill out.

Today as I was doing research to find out if Twitter was available in all 209 countries of the world I discovered that China – one of the world’s largest economies – blocks Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and BlogSpot and I thought to myself what’s the use of living in a country with a 8% GDP if you cannot communicate in the way you want and I realize that all forms of abuse – human rights, domestic, bullying etc – begins with cutting the person/people off from the rest of the world with that said I am calling on China and all the other countries who have placed bans on all forms of media to lift those bans and allow the voices of their people to be heard. Are you unwittingly facilitating an environment that lends yourself to being abused?

Day 151

You can be friends with someone regardless of their age – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 10: 02 PM on day 151 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, sent thank you to Clare – the Facebook friend of  mine who I sent a donation request to yesterday – for the $21 that she had made –   tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today   – feed myself rice and curry for lunch, went to physiotherapy – did you know… your muscle tone changes according to your emotional state – you learn something new every day 🙂 –   feed  myself Chapati – an unleavened flatbread – and chicken curry for dinner and finish reading The Last True Cowboy by Kathleen Eagle – it was a nice book but towards the end I felt like Kathleen was dragging the story on just to fill the pages.

A few week ago I was at my physiotherapist’s office and she was beggaring me about enrolling for college classes and I said something along the lines of why are you always on my case and she looked me in the eyes and said something that I  never expected to hear from another human being in my lifetime you have a brilliant mind I just don’t want to see you waste it and looking back on it today I realized that I was withholding from her the love and affection I felt towards her because she didn’t fit my description of a friend. Do you have a strict criteria that needs to be met before people can start calling themselves your friend? 🙂  

Day 150

Seek not the favour of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them. – Immanuel Kant

It’s 9: 48 PM on day 150 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a toasted-cheese sandwich for breakfast while watching TV,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today   – feed myself rice and curry  for lunch,  exercise for 30 minutes, feed myself pizza   for dinner, update my Facebook friends about my campaign and asked one of them for a donation – it occurred to me that I was putting too much emphasis on the Twitter users and not enough on the Facebook users.

Today as I was lying on bed tweeting, updating my Facebook status and doing everything that needed to be done I remembered something our old reverend once said in one of his sermons one who is popular with everyone is not popular with God and as I remembered that I thought you know what I do not care if people walk in the opposite direction or change the subject for fear that I might ask for a donation because I know that God is proud of me. Do you measure your success by the extent of your popularity? 🙂

Day 145

Every birthday, you decide whether to mark it the end of your greatest days or the beginning of your finest hour. – Oprah Winfrey

It’s 11: 30 PM on day 145 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to watch Inception on DVD – it was MIND-BLOWING – there was so many layers to the story I would recommend it to anyone who likes a movie that makes them think because it was written in such a way that you – the audience –  felt compelled to connect the dots –   brush my teeth, feed myself Chapati – an unleavened flatbread – and  beef curry for breakfast,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today   – feed myself bun and baked beans  for dinner, exercise for 10 minutes and continue reading The Last True Cowboy by Kathleen Eagle – I couldn’t finish reading it last year because my sister had to return it to the library when her school term ended but on the plus side I’m only a hundred or so pages from finishing it 🙂

As you may or may not I’m turning 20 on March 25th and although I don’t usually make a huge fuss about turning a year older this year I wanted to do something truly global to commemorate the occasion so with that in mind I asked my Twitter and Facebook friends to do something nice for someone else in the next 48 days leading up to my birthday and it is my greatest hope that you will do the same. Do you embrace your birthday or resist it? 🙂

Day 81

The road to hell is paved with good intentions – Proverb.

It’s 7: 28 PM on day81 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself  Upma – a south Indian dish made of rava – and beef curry for  breakfast,   fix my Facebook button – if you want to get to know the real me add me on Facebook – I am an open book open for all the world to read 🙂 – spend THREE  hours tweeting about my Clean Water For All Campaign – I am so frustrated it’s like all of us are waiting for someone to come and fix all the problems of the world only we don’t realize that each one of us is that somebody –      feed myself  Custard  for lunch – not the most nutritious of lunches but it was yummy nonetheless 🙂 –   continued reading Conversations with Myself by Nelson Mandela –just in the first 10-15 pages I began to realize how much respect Mandela had for the leaders who came before him and that is something that I believe is sorely lacking in today’s politics and the world at large – feed myself rice and curry for supper and exercise for 15 minutes – today’s session was just right – nor too painful and  not too pleasurable kinda like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears LOL 🙂  

 Today as we were having supper I saw my brother – who is my 10kg’s overweight – reaching for a fizzy drink inside the fridge and I said don’t drink that have you see your stomach – I know, I know I am a horrible person – what I really meant to say was I love you want you to be healthy and in retrospect I probably should have suggested an alternative to the fizzy drink – I feel like the scum-of-the-Earth right now 🙁 Have you ever said something that came out all wrong?