Tag Archives: Inception

Day 145

Every birthday, you decide whether to mark it the end of your greatest days or the beginning of your finest hour. – Oprah Winfrey

It’s 11: 30 PM on day 145 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to watch Inception on DVD – it was MIND-BLOWING – there was so many layers to the story I would recommend it to anyone who likes a movie that makes them think because it was written in such a way that you – the audience –  felt compelled to connect the dots –   brush my teeth, feed myself Chapati – an unleavened flatbread – and  beef curry for breakfast,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today   – feed myself bun and baked beans  for dinner, exercise for 10 minutes and continue reading The Last True Cowboy by Kathleen Eagle – I couldn’t finish reading it last year because my sister had to return it to the library when her school term ended but on the plus side I’m only a hundred or so pages from finishing it 🙂

As you may or may not I’m turning 20 on March 25th and although I don’t usually make a huge fuss about turning a year older this year I wanted to do something truly global to commemorate the occasion so with that in mind I asked my Twitter and Facebook friends to do something nice for someone else in the next 48 days leading up to my birthday and it is my greatest hope that you will do the same. Do you embrace your birthday or resist it? 🙂