Tag Archives: Appreciating health

Day 875

Times of sickness makes you appreciate times of health – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 2 : 19 PM on day 875 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, take off my dirty t-shirt and put a clean t-shirt on, pray, feed myself All Bran Flakes with banana for breakfast, read Genesis 45, Facebook about my 10 For 22 Campaign, publish my Disability of the Day feature, practice typing with both hands,    practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and stretch my hamstrings.

This morning I was minding my own business doing my own thing when suddenly I had a stomach cramp I’m fine now thankfully but going through that made me appreciate my days, weeks and months of good health.  Do you appreciate your health more because you have been sick before?

I LOVE hearing from you feel free to leave a comment below.