Tag Archives: “10 ways you can make somebody’s day in 20 minutes or less”

Day 1886: “10 ways you can make somebody’s day in 20 minutes or less” by Rachel Rofé

There are genuinely good people in the world – that’s what Sebastian Schütte, Catherine Constantinides and Rachel Rofé have taught me.


It’s  12 :  08 PM on day 1796 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Romans 3, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – Antipathy [an·tip·a·thy] n. A deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion. “His antipathy for first wife dates back to his divorce.”– have breakfast, make sandwiches for the kids in our sisi’s (housekeeper’s) neighborhood with sisi’s  help as part of  Virginia’s Sandwich Run – (thank you sisi for all your help today) -and work on my future project.


Yesterday I listened to “10 ways you can make somebody’s day in 20 minutes or less” –  a podcast episode in which Rachel Rofé shares 10 ways to make somebody’s day (she actually did most, if not all, of the 10 things that she suggests) – and by the end of it I was so humbled by Rachel’s kindness and SO GRATEFUL that she existed (in a world where some people do nice things to get something in return Rachel does all the good that she can just because and that to me makes her A-MAZING). Thank you Rachel for being you and for everything you do you are one remarkable human being the world is truly blessed to have you.  Listen to “10 ways you can make somebody’s day in 20 minutes or less” by Rachel Rofé below: