Day 1193: Enjoying the in between

Life is not about crossing things off your to-do list it’s about all the moments in between – that’s what I realized today 🙂


It’s 12  : 47 PM on day 1193 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray,  brush my teeth, read 1 Chronicles 26, publish my Disability of the Day feature,    feed myself  boiled egg and bran flakes for breakfast, spend time outside and hang out with my family.


This morning I realized life is not about crossing things off your to-do list it’s about all the moments in between I wake up every day with a list of things to do and I get everything done but as a result of being so goal oriented I’m seldom in the moment I want to change that. Are you too busy crossing things off your to-do list to enjoy your life?

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