Day 1132: Appreciating things others don’t think about thanks to Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy makes you appreciate the things that most people don’t even think about –that’s what I keep realizing 🙂


It’s 3 : 06 PM on day 1132 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth,  read 1 Kings 11,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,   feed myself  Bran Flakes  and boiled egg for breakfast,   practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, continue reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult and feed myself brown rice, vegetables and chicken for lunch.


This morning I realized yet again that Cerebral Palsy makes you appreciate the things that most people don’t even think about while most people my age pray for enough money to buy a new car I pray to have a bowel movement (because I don’t move as much as the average person I get constipated very easily) it’s a different kind of life but it makes me appreciate a properly functioning digestive system, muscles that don’t hurt and everything else that most people don’t even think about.  Have your challenges made you appreciative of the particularly good days?

2 thoughts on “Day 1132: Appreciating things others don’t think about thanks to Cerebral Palsy

  1. Anna the Flutist

    I am autistic and it makes me appreciate being in the arts more. I am not one to rage if I do not get a solo. It also makes me think about what I say so I can say it respectfully.

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