Day 1111: Count your wealth in how many people you help

Count your wealth in how many people you help and you’ll never be poor– that’s what I keep learning 🙂


It’s 1 : 17 PM on day 1111 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  pray,  feed myself boiled egg and All Bran Flakes for breakfast,read 2 Samuel 14,    publish my Disability of the Day feature,  tweet and Facebook about my campaign – nobody donated so  far today either 17 days to go –  and start reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – people have been raving about this book forever and just from reading the first few pages I can see why.


Yesterday afternoon on our way to my physiotherapist’s appointment my dad and I were talking about money and I remember saying count your wealth in how many people you help I may never be monetarily rich but when I think about all the people I’ve been fortunate enough to help I feel like the richest person on the planet.  Do you always see yourself as poor because you measure wealth in terms of money?

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