Day 927

You can or you can’t you’re right either way– that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 11 : 49 AM on day 927 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to stretch my hamstrings, take off my dirty t-shirt and put a clean t-shirt on,  practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, try to wheel myself around – the blisters I got from pushing myself around yesterday made it hard for me to push myself around today but I tried my best and will keep on trying tomorrow  – brush my teeth, feed myself All Bran Flakes with Soy Milk for breakfast, pray, read Leviticus 7,  publish my Disability of the Day feature and practice typing with both hands.

Yesterday after I had done everything I had to do I decided to push myself to my bedroom instead of asking our housekeeper to do it, it took 40 minutes and a lot of sweat but eventually I made my way from our dining room to my bedroom now that I’ve seen that I can do it after my blisters have healed I’m going to buy myself a pair of gloves and push myself wherever I need to go.  Can you or can’t you?

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