Day 926

It takes so little to lift someone’s spirits – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 12 : 10 PM on day 926 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to take off my dirty t-shirt and put a clean t-shirt on, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, try to wheel myself around – pushing myself on a wheelchair is hard because my right hand doesn’t work all that well I know what you’re probably thinking why don’t you just get a motorized wheelchair well because I know I can get around in a manual wheelchair if I just practice hard enough I refuse to use a motorized wheelchair when I know with a lot of hard work I could learn how to get around in a manual wheelchair 🙂 – brush my teeth, feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, pray, read Leviticus 6,  publish my Disability of the Day feature and practice typing with both hands.

This morning I was feeling down in the dumps about the state of our world until I opened my inbox to find a Facebook message from this woman I know in real life apparently she saw the article about me on Longevity Magazine and was inspired by my story people in my life, if they think of me at all, think that I sit in a corner and wither away and I don’t go out of my way to correct them if I correct one person I have to correct them all and frankly I don’t have time for that it’s nice that that article has shown at least one person that we are not always what we appeared to be. Has someone ever lifted your spirits without even knowing it?

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