Day 478

It takes just as much time to fix something as it does it to complain– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 8: 41 PM on day 478 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, watch TV, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – mostly sent thank you tweets in reply to the congratulatory tweets people sent me yesterday for reaching my goal prepare and publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself rice and curry for lunch and take a nap– I wasn’t feeling well.

As you may know I recently went to India from twenty five days – if you have no idea what I’m taking about refer to posts Day 451-Day 475 – to visit my mother’s side of the family and while there I felt the full force of the ignorance of the population people stared, whispered, asked is that the ‘sick’ child with me in the same room and the only time I cried was at night thinking about all the children who lived there who are locked away somewhere not being allowed to dream in that moment I knew I had to do something to create change and realized that God made me disabled so that I could make the lives of other disabled people better so today I’m making a commitment to using my social media platforms – Facebook and Twitter – to raise awareness about different disabilities in countries like India where people don’t have much exposure to people who are different. Do you spend your time fixing or complaining?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing.

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

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