Tag Archives: Winter Break

Day 2840: Winter Break in South Africa and Bending Some Rules (maybe)

Embrace what is  – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 11 : 04 AM on day 2840 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Today is the first day of winter break across South Africa which means both my parents and my brother will be home all day till July 17th queue  my brother’s complaints about me slowing down the WIFI and my mother’s complaints that my music is too loud (usually it’s not music but rather me watching discussions at the UN or Ted Talks but it’s too much effort to explain so I just let her think it’s music) but I’m going to make the best of our time together maybe I’ll ask if we can buy some trees and plant them at a local park (I can hear my dad right now plant trees at a local park? don’t you have anything better to do we’ll probably get arrested? my dad is a very cautious man doesn’t want to make any waves I, on the other hand, came out of the womb making waves I believe laws must be respected but rules can be bent if not broken) I look forward to the next 3 weeks hopefully my parents will go with my flow I really want to make a difference locally but won’t be able to if they refuse to help me.