Tag Archives: What you put in is what you get out

Day 802

In everything in life what you put in is what you get out  – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s  1 : 30 PM on day 802 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to stretch my hamstrings, spend some time learning how to help myself in the bathroom  – I can’t say I’m fully independent yet but I give myself an A for effort 🙂 – brush my teeth, feed myself bread and baked beans for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature, practice typing with both hands and practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles.

Yesterday my physiotherapist was one happy woman seeing all the hard work I put in over the past two weeks I think I’m doing so well with regards to my physiotherapy because I now get up every day and exercise whereas before I only exercised two days before I had to go to physiotherapy. Are you putting in enough to get what you want out of life?

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