Tag Archives: What About Alex

Day 1007: Equality for the disabled a fallacy

Most of society see “disabled” people as less than that’s why they feel like they can do whatever they want and get away with it    – that’s what I keep learning.

It’s  2 :  52 PM on day 1 007 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,  feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast,  pray, read Deuteronomy 24, publish my Disability of the Day feature, prepare and  publish my  Kid of the Week feature, tweet  about my campaign –  no luck  today but Rema Mathews made a $50 donation to my campaign last night (thanks again aunty)- listen to music – I love Us Against The World by Westlife whenever I hear it I think of my sister when people are blatantly staring at me I would be most likely to ignore it whereas my sister would be most likely to look them in the face and say what are you staring at –         and practice typing with both hands.

A few days ago I read What About Alex on Emma’s Hope Book – a post about how society is outraged when a  parent kills his/her child and sympathetic when the child happens to have special needs – and I realized once again that society doesn’t value the lives of “disabled” people as much as they value the lives of “non-disabled” people  why else would the media portray a woman who stabbed her autistic son to the death as the victim.