Tag Archives: We don’t always get what we deserve

Day 1000: We don’t always get what we deserve

We don’t always get what we deserve  –that’s what I keep learning.

It’s  2 :  57 PM on day 1 000 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth, pray, read Deuteronomy 17, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my  Kid of the Week feature, tweet and Facebook about my campaign –  no luck – stretch my hamstrings,  feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast,    tweet and Facebook about my campaign  some more-   still no luck although someone did promise to donate I suppose that’s something  –  and practice typing with both hands.

As I sit at our dining table typing this I feel sluggish and bloated which sucks because I  eat lots of fibre, drink boatloads of water and exercise to avoid the constipation that comes with having Cerebral Palsy I try so hard to do to everything right and life still treats me like crap it’s just so unfair.    Are you aggrieved when you do most things right and life still treats you like crap?