Tag Archives: Stoney Drift

Day 1849: Our time at UThixo Ulungile Ministries @ Stoney Drift with Joshua Minter

You can create heaven on earth just about anywhere – that’s what Joshua Minter taught me.


It’s  12 :  20 PM on day 1849 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read John 15, publish my Disability of the Day feature, have breakfast, learn one new thing –California sea lions may hunt continuously for up to 30 hours, with each dive lasting three to five minutes.  – listen to music and hang out outside.


Yesterday my family and I were privileged to spend some time with Joshua Minter at the crèche and the baby centre that he started with Rachael (his wife) the crèche and baby centre are located right next to a rubbish dump but when you go into the space the location doesn’t matter much there is so much love there I half-jokingly asked Josh how he remembers all the kids names and he replied they’re my kids in that moment I felt Josh’s essence he doesn’t want money or recognition he just wants to serve God and his community. Thank you SO MUCH Josh and Rachael for all you guys do you have proven to me that the good people I pray for twice daily do exist and for that I am forever grateful. If you are reading this and you live in East London, South Africa please join the UThixo Ulungile Ministries @ Stoney Drift Facebook group and help Josh and Rachael out however you can (even if you can’t give money or things just show up and spend some time with the kids our presence will always be more appreciated than our presents will ever be).

Photos of our time at Stoney Drift


The kids at the baby centre and the lovely women who take care of them.

The kids at the crèche at their lovely teacher.

Josh introducing me and mom to the kids.

The kids at the baby centre, the ladies who take care of them, me, my mom and Josh.


Local Heroes – Rachael & Joshua Minter