Tag Archives: South African Music

Day 1742: A Salute to South African Music

Music transcends language and geography – that’s what I know.


It’s 12 : 15  PM on day 1742 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Nahum 3, publish my Disability of the Day feature, publish my Kid of the Week feature,   learn one new thing –About one in ten spirit, or Kermode, bears is born white. Though the white members of the species are sometimes mistaken for polar bears or presumed to be albino, the Kermode bear is actually a genetic variation of a black bear. Legend says the ghostly coloration of the white bears is a reminder of the time when ice covered the Earth.–  and go to church.


Today I am going to share with you some of my favourite South African music you probably won’t understand the lyrics of some of the songs because they are not in English but I am sure you’ll still like them because I know music transcends language and geography. Listen to the best of South African music below: