Tag Archives: selfies

Day 1432: What’s with the selfies?

Taking pictures of myself, self, self
Taking pictures of myself, self self
Guess I’m reaching out to be assured
All I wanted was to be adored
– Nina Nesbitt, “Selfies”


It’s 1  : 17  PM on day 1432 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Psalm 120, feed myself a peanut butter sandwich and a banana for breakfast and help my brother with his speech – he has to speak about Gandhi soon I didn’t write his speech just thought I’d help him compile information.


Recently I’ve been seeing selfies floating around in cyberspace (I didn’t even know what selfies were until my sister explained it to me) maybe it’s just me but it seems a little self-absorbed to sit around taking pictures of yourself for no apparent reason when there is so much need in the world.