Tag Archives: Rest

Day 1997: Down for the count

Sometimes it’s okay to admit that you’re down for the count and rest– that’s what I realized this morning.


It’s 12 : 25 PM on day 1997 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Hebrews 8,  learn one new thing – It is not true, as is commonly believed, that bulls have horns and cows do not: the presence of horns depends on the breed, or in horned breeds on whether the horns have been disbudded (conversely, in many breeds of sheep it is indeed only the males which have horns).  – have breakfast and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign –  a chechi (who I think would prefer to remain anonymous)  donated $25 (thanks  so much chechi:) ) which brings the total raised to  $3 212 only $3 038 more to raise by 10 Jan 2017  (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far :)  ).


This morning after a horrible night’s sleep (I think something was biting me so I spent most of the night trying to scratch myself) I decided to lay in bed an extra hour I always tell myself the show must go on but I have realized that sometimes it’s okay to admit that you’re down for the count and rest.

Day 916

Rest – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 5  : 06 PM on day 916 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, go to church,  feed myself All Bran Flakes with Soy Milk for breakfast,  read Exodus 36, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature, play catch outside with my brother and grandma – it was quite fun 🙂 – feed myself  salad rolls for lunch, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, do a crossword puzzle – if you ever do a crossword do the words you know first it makes it easier for you to figure out the words you don’t know – and practice typing with both hands.

Today I decided that every Sunday from today onwards would be my Do-Nothing Day, a day where I spend less time doing what I usually do during the week and more time with my family doing what I want to do. Do you rest at least once a week?

I LOVE hearing from you feel free to leave a comment below.