Tag Archives: Memory card game

Day 2787: Sweet Memories Made Playing Memory

It’s the little things that show a person’s heart – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 12 : 30 PM on day 2784 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Revelation 4:8,  have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $14 409 only $4 341 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.


This morning I had a  sudden flashback to a few days ago when  S (my cousin’s wife) and I were playing Memory (the card game) with a family friend’s 8-year-old and S realized I wouldn’t be able to reach down to the bed to flip the cards so she arranged the cards on the table attached to my wheelchair and we all played I think her considerate action moved me so much because I could tell that she was determined that I be included which is even sweeter considering she only joined our family a few months ago (usually  it takes people a while to know what to say and do around me) every time I think back to our friendly game of Memory I think of the newest Varghese and I smile because she’s sweet, she’s kind and she’s forever going to be one of us.