Tag Archives: Limitations

Day 1105: Knowing when enough is enough

Know when enough is enough– that’s what I learned yesterday.


It’s 2  : 00 PM on day 1105 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  pray, feed myself  boiled egg and All Bran Flakes for breakfast, read 2 Samuel 8, publish my Disability of the Day feature,    publish my Kid of the Week feature,  tweet and Facebook about my campaign – nobody donated so so far today either – and spend time outside with my brother.


Yesterday I was at an annual community event I was slipping and sliding off my wheelchair because for some reason my new wheelchair’s belt refused to work properly usually I would have powered through the pain and stayed for the whole event but yesterday after my brother’s performance I told my parents I wanted to go and we left as much as I want to do everything everybody else does for as long as they do my first priority is maintaining my health so sometimes I’ll have to leave early or not go to some places and that’s okay.  Do you know your limits and live within them?