Tag Archives: Life

Day 3056: A Family Tradition Fulfilled And Appreciating Everybody

Be present in every moment for one day everyone in your life will be but a memory– that’s my message to the world

It’s 5: 37 PM on day 3056 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Today in celebration of my sister’s first salary she took the whole extended family out to lunch – it’s tradition in our family to do so and most of my cousins have done it – it was such a special lunch it was so adorable seeing her pull out her credit card and type her digits what made the moment even more significant was remembering that one day  most of the people I was surrounded by would live in my memory I treasure all my time with family

Day 3054: My Mother’s Beautiful Lesson in Gratitude

It’s important to teach gratitude in action – that’s what my parents reminded me

It’s 1: 15 PM on day 3054 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, and do some work

This Sunday my brother will be headed off to university and so yesterday we visited some of our community members who’ve had an impact on his life and as we left each house my mom would say to him tell aunty and uncle you’re leaving for university and he didthey all knew of course but my mother was reminding him to be grateful to the people that made him who he is…it was truly beautiful to witness.

Day 3052: Life Reflections on my 11th #AliveDay

Every day is precious because no two days are the same and we never know which one will be our last – that’s what I’ve realized.

It’s 4: 10 PM on day 3052 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work.

Today I celebrate my 11th #AliveDay –  11 months since my surgery – I’m grateful for all the days I’m blessed to be alive to add love, kindness and lightness into the world I’m also proud that since my surgery I’ve lived with more urgency while still taking the time to appreciate the little-big things. Happy #AliveDay to me I wish for myself and everyone good health, joy and a string of moments filled with meaning.

Day 3049: The Lesson That Life Continues To Teach Me

The lessons you don’t learn life will teach over and over again – that’s what I’ve realized.

It’s 4: 57 PM on day 3049 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Today I was reminded that the lessons you don’t learn life will teach over and over again I do my best all the time but most of the time I feel like it’s not good enough so that’s the lesson that life continues to teach me all you can do is your best I wish I could move on to other fun life lessons but clearly I haven’t learned this one well enough to progress to other life lessons.

Day 3047: Just Love

To love is the best use of one’s time– that’s what I’ve realized.

It’s 1: 28 PM on day 3047 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Today I was reminded that to love is the best use of one’s time whether you love a few people or many just love with every cell of your body and make sure your love is felt and known

Day 3045: The Carpenter Who Taught Me To Stand Up For Myself

God made me like this so that I could show people that it’s okay to be different – that’s what the carpenter reminded me

It’s 1: 10 PM on day 3045 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Last week Carpenter comes “May I pray for you?” I let him touch my head and pray for me (figuring what harm could it do? – always better to be kind) . Fast forward to this week same man:

Carpenter: I’ll pray for you Usha
Mom: it’s Nisha not Usha
Me: I’ll pray for you too.
God made me like this so that I could show people that it’s okay to be different.
Carpenter: Not for long God doesn’t want you to be like this – he wants you to walk and run. Just believe
Me on repeat: God made me like this so that I could show people that it’s okay to be different #DifferentIsCOOL – I’M BLESSED NOT BROKEN the whole world needs to know that. I am as God intended me to be. God loves me. 

This is not the first time someone has said such things to me nor will it be the last but this incident my soul has absorbed and my spirit has been dampened by because I realize that there are many people like the carpenter who share the view that all who are different need to be “cured” in order that they may be okay.

Day 3044: To err is human and to forgive (oneself and others) is divine

To err is human and to forgive (oneself and others) is divine    – that’s my message to the world

It’s 5: 00 PM on day 3044 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Today I was reminded that everybody makes mistakes all we can do is learn from it, forgive ourselves and move on.

Day 3036: All of Life Is an Adventure

All of life changes when we see life itself as an adventure – that’s what i’ve realized

It’s 5: 19 PM on day 3036 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time with family and do some work

Last year I was always waiting for adventure – a trip, special occasion, etc. – this year I realize life, all of life, every moment is an adventure because every moment is different and one never knows when it will come to an abrupt end.

Day 3027: A Life of Meaning Is The Greatest of All Riches

A life of meaning is worth more than silver and gold – that’s my message to the world.

It’s 2: 36 PM on day 3027 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, go to breakfast  and do some work

Today I was reminded that the quality of our lives and our general happiness is determined by how many meaningful moments we can string together. A rich life is a meaningful life

Day 3024: Merry Christmas Eve

May this Christmas Eve bring for you the gifts of happiness, good health & joy – that’s my wish for you.

Currently enjoying Christmas Eve 

Today is Christmas Eve always a special day but this year it’s extra special because of the pain I endured earlier this year I’m so grateful to be alive, pain-free and here with my family. Merry Christmas Eve everyone!