Tag Archives: Kony 2012

Day 557

Extraordinary things can happen when ‘ordinary people’ came together with a common purpose – that’s what I was reminded of today 🙂

It’s 5 : 57  PM on day 557 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, prepare and publish my Disability of the Day feature,  work,  tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign,  drink tea by myself,  feed myself a vegetable burger for breakfast, tweet some more about my campaign –  Chrissy (@ChrissyPappas) made a donation yesterday (thanks again Chrissy I really appreciate it)  (21 x 7 = 147 x 4 = 588 cups of food for the hungry = a very happy almost twenty-one-year-old) –  feed myself rice and curry  for lunch and brush my teeth once more.

A couple of days ago my brother came from school raving about this video he watched in school called Kony 2012 and upon his recommendation I watched the whole documentary today what surprised me the most was that Jason Russell – the co-founder of Invisible Children Inc and creator of the Kony 2012 video –and I actually had a lot in common we both believe that ‘ordinary people’ who come together with a common purpose can achieve extraordinary things only he is working to save children in Uganda from Joseph Kony – one of the world’s worst war criminals – and I’m working – through various campaigns – to make sure that children all over the world have food, water and everything else they need. Take a look at the video below and you’ll see what I mean about Jason and I having the same message for the world: