Tag Archives: Kindness

Day 2948: Goals and Highlights of a Week Gone By

Have goals and go after them but it’s also important to remember life happens in between goals – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 : 53 PM on day 2948 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and spend time with family and friends.


Last Monday I set some goals and today I will again be evaluating myself to measure my progress and I’ll be setting some goals for the coming week as well. Take a look:

1-8 October Goals Review

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more) [tried]
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides [tried]
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can [I did]
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [not done yet]
  5. Learn 7+ new things [not done]
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week [not done often]
  7. Try new things [not done]
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL! [ tried]

Highlights of the Week

  • Spending time with my friend Michelle Rielly at Breath of Life (I’ll never forget sitting in a circle with Michelle and her 8 children (2 of whom were her biological kids and the other 6 she lovingly raises until they are adopted or reunited with their biological families) as we urged Baby A and the other babies to help Baby A open his birthday presents I remember staring at Michelle as she smoothed one of the babies hair and I couldn’t help thinking this is life – being with Michelle, seeing her surrounded by all her babies and the love in that circle was, is and always will be the essence of what life is all about. I always feel honoured to be at Breath Of Life, to be with Michelle, her husband Andrew, their many children and the carers who help with the babies it’s a very sacred experience for me always it’s like for a brief time I’m one of them I share in their hopes and joy and we become part of each other’s memories for all eternity. I, who often feels out of place in the world, found a place in the hearts of the littlest amongst us whose hearts and eyes are yet to realize I look a little different from them)
  • Delivering something special to a special friend’s mailbox ( I love surprising people it’s my favourite pastime)
  • Talking to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides (her life is my eternal lesson in humility and kindness every time before I call I think to self I hope I’m not interrupting anything but every time she is so grateful I called which never fails to shock me and touch my heart)

8-15 October Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more)
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can and appreciate the little-big things
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  5. Learn 7+ new things
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week
  7. Try new things
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL!

Day 2926: Be kind TODAY Don’t Delay!

You can never do an act of kindness too early for you never know when it might be too late– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 : 08 PM on day 2926 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read a Bible verse and do some work


Yesterday I was actually considering postponing doing an act of kindness until my Alive Day – the 22nd of every month is the anniversary of the contracture surgery I had in February 2018 I call it my Alive Day – but then I realized I’m alive today, today is also my Alive Day. Be kind TODAY don’t delay!

Day 2923: Do Something Good Today


(image source: unknown but it’s not mine )

The world won’t change overnight but small steps take in the right direction over time make an enormous impact – that’s my message to the world

It’s 2 : 45 PM on day 2923 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, spent time outside,  read a Bible verse and do some work

Today in more ways than one I was reminded that it is our responsibility both as individuals and as a collective to take steps every day to create the kind of world we want to live in. Do something, small or big, to make the world a better place today

Day 2922: Small Acts + Good Intent = Extraordinary Impact

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that take up the most space in your heart – that’s what I keep realizing


It’s 12 : 08 PM on day 2922 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, spent time outside,  read a Bible verse and do some work


Today I woke up to read the sweetest message from a friend I’m sure it didn’t cost her anything but it is something I will treasure forever. Let’s all be kind to one another it’s free and it feels oh so good.

Day 2846: From My Superheroes With Love


gifts from CAT

Maybe all the love I have is all the love I need– that’s what I’m realizing.


It’s 11 : 53 AM on day 2846 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work.


Two days ago my Superhero Catherine Constantinides called my dad and asked him if he could pick up a package she would send for me with her sister, Ella, who would be coming to town the following day I was absolutely blown away Catherine had just arrived in South Africa from Geneva that morning and she arranged for gifts to be hand-delivered to me the following day I was MIND-BLOWN that even when she is a far away land during very important things she and our friend from the Western Sahara (currently living in Geneva) Omaima, thought of me I’m in love with Catherine’s kindness even at her most tired she is so so so kind it’s extraordinary and something that I aspire to daily. Maybe just maybe I don’t need matrimony and parenthood to be okay maybe I can thrive on Catherine’s love, on Ella’s love, on Omaima’s love, on the love of my family and friends and that will be enough I’m so blessed to have Superheroes who love me so deeply when Catherine and Ella say they love me I believe them I hear it in their voices and see it in their eyes it comes from somewhere deep within each of them. Thank you Superhero Catherine, Ella and Omaima for bringing light and love into my every day


Day 2795: Sentimental Me

To me it’s the thought that counts most of all – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 12 : 15 PM on day 2795 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –  raised  $14 469 only $4 281 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.


Yesterday my friends sent me something and while I LOVED the item I LOVED most of all that they thought to make me something and send it to me.(I’m sentimental like that).

Day 2760: Spend Time Being Kind

Time spent being kind is never wasted time – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 2: 06 PM on day 2760 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  have breakfast, read John 1: 29 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –raised  $13 334 only $5 415 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.


Today I was reminded that time spent saying kind things and doing kind things is never wasted time because genuine kindness is the currency that buys us a place in people’s hearts and a place in people’s hearts is the closest humans will ever get to immortality.

Day 2700: The Thing I Will Never Apologize For

Never apologize for expressing love, kindness and joy – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 : 03 PM on day 2700 of my journey towards independence and I managed to go drop my sister at airport – she’s back at university after summer break –  pray, read Psalm 34:14 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –   A HUGE thanks to Piyuse uncle and family who donated $100   which brings the total raised to  $7 401 only $5 099 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.


Today I was asked by someone I love why I’m overly expressive of my feelings towards people on social media (I’m like that in real-life as well I guess it’s more noticeable on social media because I use multimedia to express my feelings) the person who asked me this is rather stoic so it must make  him  uncomfortable that I’m not at all shy about my feelings anyway in answer to his question I said I was trying to be kind I will never apologize for trying to be kind the world needs more of it and people deserve to know they are loved by me.

Day 2691: Risk Everything BE KIND

Risk being a nuisance to be kind – that’s my message to the world


It’s 12 : 27 PM on day 2691 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 34:8  and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $6 926 only $5 574 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot (thanks so much to everyone who has helped out so far).


Today I was reminded that it’s worth the risk of being a nuisance to be kind (in the past even when I was calling people to be kind and loving I always worried that I was being a nuisance but now I have thrown cautious to the wind life is too short to refrain from kindness because I’m afraid of interrupting something). Risk everything be kinder than necessary it is very necessary.

Day 2668: Fill Your Days With Kindness

Fill my days with kindness – that’s my plan.


It’s 12 : 34 PM on day 2668 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 33:3 and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $6 816 only $5 684 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot .



This year I plan to consciously fill my every day with kindness it won’t always money but whatever I do on any given day will be done with the intention of bringing love, laughter and light into other people’s lives…it’s going to be magical I can just feel it.