Tag Archives: Indebtedness

Day 1283: Indebted to no one but indebted to everyone

As much as we don’t want to be indebted to anyone we are indebted to the planet and the people in it just by virtue of being alive – that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 12  : 00  PM on day 1283 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray,   brush my teeth, read Job 17, publish my Disability of the Day feature  feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast  and  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign –still no donations yet – practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and stretch my hamstrings.


Yesterday I was overwhelmed by this feeling of not wanting to be indebted to anyone but then I realized I am indebted to the planet and the people in it just by virtue of being alive I owe my parents for bringing me into the world, I owe the planet for emitting so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, I owe people who have less than me through no fault of their own…I am indebted to everyone even when I am indebted to no one.  Do you get that you are indebted to the planet and the people in it just by virtue of being alive?