Tag Archives: Impatience

Day 2363: Lent 2017

“What are you giving up for Lent?” It’s a question a lot of people will get these next few days. If you want to change your body, perhaps alcohol and candy is the way to go. But if you want to change your heart, a harder fast is needed. This narrow road is gritty, but it isn’t sterile. It will make room in ourselves to experience a love that can make us whole and set us free. – Pope Francis


It’s 11 : 22 AM on day 2363 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 2 Samuel 22: 28 have breakfast and learn a new word – Tumult [tu·mult] n. Confusion or disorder. A loud, confused noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people. “He quickly became aware of the violent tumult behind the trees.”


Last Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent and since my doctor doesn’t approve of me fasting I have decided to give up impatience for Lent I know it won’t be easy but I’m going to try my best to be patient with myself and others.

Day 2050: Impatience and Me

Patience is not one of my virtues – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 27 PM on day 2050 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 23, have breakfast, learn one new thing – When charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth’s atmosphere, they cause electrons in the atoms to move to a higher-energy state. When the electrons drop back to a lower energy state, they release a photon: light. This process creates the beautiful aurora, or northern lights. –  and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign – raised $5 540 only $710  more to raise by 10 Jan 2017  (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far :)  ).


Today I realized yet again that patience is not one of my virtues I want what I want and I want it that second which works well in some situations and not so well in others maybe I should take up chess or checkers and hope I grow in patience.

Day 1992: Giving up Impatience for Lent

“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” – Pope Francis


It’s 12 : 47 PM on day 1992 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Hebrews 3,  learn one new thing –With an area of 12 million square kilometers (5 million square miles), the Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean – more than five times smaller than the Indian and Atlantic oceans. –have breakfast and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign – Kevin (not my brother Kevin)  donated $15 on behalf of Lesley for her birthday (thanks Kevin and happy birthday Lesley which brings the total raised to  $3 012 only $3 238 more to raise by 10 Jan 2017  (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far :)  ).


Recently after reading A World Filled With Happiness – a blog post by Gaynor Young – I decided that instead of giving up certain foods for Lent (which my doctor has forbidden me from doing) I would give up impatience admittedly I still have my moments of impatience but whenever I am able to observe myself being impatient I remind myself that I’ve given up impatience for Lent surprisingly it really does help.