Tag Archives: identity

Day 2219: What am I?

We are not what we do we are all just humans trying to figure out life – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 10 : 00  AM on day 2219 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Zechariah 7:9-10, have breakfast, learn one new thing – Experts agree that the fuzz helps the peach defend itself from various threats. Some feel the fuzz was developed to give the fruit more resistance to insects and diseases. Another theory is that the fuzz protects peaches from sunburn and potential water loss.- and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday I thought somebody on Facebook asked me what I was (it turns out she actually asked where I was LOL) and I replied in part A work-in–progress trying to figure life out I said that because I know what I am and what I do are two separate things – what I am is a flawed human stitched together with good intentions and what I do is what I do – the danger of defining yourself by what you do is that if ever you stop doing it you will lose your identity so when people ask me what I am I will always answer a work-in-progress because whatever else I do with my life that’s what I will be my whole life.

Day 1499: Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what

“There are vertical identities, which are passed down generationally from parent to child. Those are things like ethnicity, frequently nationality, language, often religion. Those are things you have in common with your parents and with your children. And while some of them can be difficult, there’s no attempt to cure them. You can argue that it’s harder in the United States — our current presidency notwithstanding — to be a person of color. And yet, we have nobody who is trying to ensure that the next generation of children born to African-Americans and Asians come out with creamy skin and yellow hair.


There are these other identities which you have to learn from a peer group. And I call them horizontal identities, because the peer group is the horizontal experience. These are identities that are alien to your parents and that you have to discover when you get to see them in peers. And those identities, those horizontal identities, people have almost always tried to cure.”

Andrew Solomon, Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what


It’s 12 : 20  PM on day 1499 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Ecclesiastes 6, publish my Disability of the Day feature, promote my Educate Generations campaign – Barbara Royce made a donation of $40 yesterday evening (thank you SO MUCH Barbra the fact that you would give your hard earned money to help people you don’t even know says a lot about you as a person 🙂 )  which brings my total raised to $460 only $2040 more to raise :) – stretch my hamstrings,  feed myself egg with bread and a banana for breakfast  and continue promoting my campaign – still on $460 but that’s okay more donations will come I’m sure of it.


This morning I watched Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what (thank you, Juliet Merrell, for sharing it with me) which is an eloquent and intelligent Ted Talk about identity and parents’ unconditional love for their children, Watch Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what below: