Tag Archives: “Flashlight”

Day 1412: “Flashlight” by Hunter Hayes

It’s a sunrise from a lonely night
Like a smile in a strangers eyes
It’s the moments that save my life,
nobody knows about like flashlights
there’s just enough hope when it shines,
to go one scared step at a time
When the world’s too dark I find, your flashlight, yeah

I’m glad nobody’s counting, I’m glad you don’t keep score
My prayers are all the same, it’s the ones I prayed before
Thank you, but forgive me, my rough around the edges heart is yours
And the moments where you swear I’m just screaming at the sky,
It’s the strangest conversation or a friend just stopping by
and it’s funny when I realize all the places that your miracles can hide

Hunter Hayes, “Flashlight”


It’s 10  : 35  AM on day 1412 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray, read Psalm 99,publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself bran flakes for breakfast and start reading The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell


Two days ago I heard “Flashlight” by Hunter Hayes which I think is no coincidence because I really need God to be my flashlight right now. Listen to “Flashlight” by Hunter Hayes below: