Tag Archives: Expressing feelings

Day 2791: Creating a New Legacy

Speak your heart even when it makes some uncomfortable – that’s my message to the world


It’s 12 : 45 PM on day 2791 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –  A HUGE thanks to Anonymous who donated $25 which brings the total raised to $14 434 only $4 316 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to reach my new goal of helping 75 kids with Clubfoot by June 17, 2018.

Recently I was on the phone with my sister and I said to her I’m really proud of the work you’re doing (she was on a road trip with her medical school classmates providing healthcare and education to people in the rural areas) the poor thing didn’t know how to respond she shrugged and said um okay  we’re not very affectionate with our words in our family so I understood her response but ever since my surgery whenever I feel something good I want to say it because life’s too short not to I want to create a new family legacy where people can say and receive words like I love you and I’m so proud of you without feeling uncomfortable.

Day 1816: Speak Your Heart

Speak your heart – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1: 16 PM on day 1816  of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, read Luke 6,    publish my Disability of the Day feature,    have breakfast,  learn one new thing –There are a range of different types of clouds, the main types include stratus, cumulus and cirrus.–   and promote my Educate Generations campaign – $4 710 raised  so far with only 29 days to go. Let’s  get to $5 000 (there’s going to be huge event in our community tomorrow I could tell everybody about the campaign while I’m there but I sort of promised my family that i wouldn’t ask anybody they knew for donations directly so I’m handcuffed by my promise hopefully the campaign will still get to $5 000 before 3 October though [darn it why did I have to be a woman of my word]).


This morning I was thinking about how most people die with a lot love in their hearts because they don’t want to sound mushy by expressing their feelings I have no such problems if I love you I will make it known to you because that love I feel in my heart belongs to you not to me. Life is short speak your heart (even at the risk of sounding mushy).