You can either rise to the weight of expectation or let it crush you – that’s what I keep realizing.
It’s 1 : 31 PM on day 1799 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Mark 4, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – It’s true. Nine lemur species are named sifakas because shif-auk is the distress call they make when in danger.– have breakfast and promote my Educate Generations campaign – Justine Perry donated $25 yesterday and Simon Magid donated $25 today (thanks SO MUCH again Justine and Simon 🙂 ) which brings my total raised to $4 591 (so grateful to God and everyone who is helping out).
Today I noticed two young women talking about me on social media saying @MalAdapting check out @Nisha360.Mallu girl from [my town].. Pretty cool what she does I was (and still am) so touched by their words but with those words came the weight of expectation when you have more than a few people saying how much they like what you do and admire you it becomes real you start to think they’re not just being nice they really look up to me and with that thought comes the pressure not to let God or anybody else down… I suppose having the weight of expectation on me is better than the alternative of doing nothing, saying nothing and being nothing.