Tag Archives: Elderly people

Day 200

Two-faced – insincere in dealings with people, especially by being outwardly friendly, but secretly disloyal

It’s 8: 36 PM on day 200 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a bread and jam sandwich  for breakfast, reply  to an email about my campaign – if all goes well I should be getting a donation  pretty soon 🙂 – tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign  for a few hours – no luck – listen to music, feed myself rice and curry for lunch, go to physiotherapy – it didn’t  that bad considering I hadn’t exercised for the past three weeks – I was SO happy 🙂  – watch TV,  feed myself Chapati – an unleavened flatbread – filled with tomatoes and chili   for dinner and tweet about campaign some more –still  no luck.

As you know I try very hard not to live my life in judgment of others but today when I heard that my uncle was dropping my grandma off at our house – yet again – because he didn’t want to take her to the prayer that he and his family go to every month I thought to myself with OUTRAGE why do these people even go to prayer they are an embarrassment to God and in that moment I realized that being Christian was less about what you did in the church and more about what you did when you left the church. Would you do something that you know to be evil just to protect your reputation?