Tag Archives: Efforts

Day 1510: Your efforts going unappreciated? Appreciate your own efforts

Just because some people don’t notice or appreciate what you do doesn’t mean that what you do isn’t important – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 1 : 52 PM on day 1510 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Song of Song 5, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself egg with bread and a pear for breakfast,  and promote my Educate Generations campaign –  still on $750 but I am going to have a really good attitude about this Nelson Mandela and company spent years of their lives fighting for freedom so that someone like me could have a chance to change the world so I’m not going to give up with God working in me and through me I will reach campaign goal eventually I just KNOW it 🙂


This morning something happened that made me realize yet again that just because some people don’t notice or appreciate what I do doesn’t mean that what I do isn’t important the truth is there are some people in my life who will never notice or appreciate the things I do and I have to learn to accept that and give myself the pat on the back that I wish I got from them. Do you feel like what you do isn’t important when people don’t notice or appreciate it?