Tag Archives: David Ring

Day 917

Everything happens for a reason – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 3 : 24 PM on day 917 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  stretch my hamstrings. take off my dirty t-shirt and put a clean t-shirt on, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles,   brush my teeth,  pray,  read Exodus 37, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  practice typing with both hands,  work,  feed myself bread and baked beans  for breakfast, listen to music,  promote my 10 For 22 Campaign -it turns out only people in the US can donate trees I probably should have checked if people all around the world could donate before I chose this charity to work with oh well we live and we learn I’m still going to try and get the 20 more donations I need to reach my goal – and watch TV.

Yesterday I came across I Am Second – David Ring – a video about David Ring, a husband, father and preacher who just happens to have Cerebral Palsy – watching the whole video today I was inspired and convinced that everything in life happens for a reason. Watch this inspirational story:

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