Tag Archives: control freak

Day 1125: Trying not to be a control freak

No matter how hard you try you can’t get people to do what you want them to do unless they want to – that’s what I keep learning.


It’s 1 : 15 PM on day 1125 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth,   feed myself boiled egg and Bran Flakes for breakfast,  read 1 Kings 4,  publish my Disability of the Day feature,  tweet and Facebook about my campaign -$1020 raised 3 days to go – and continue reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult.


Today I realized yet again that no matter how hard you try you can’t get people to do what you want them to do unless they want to I tend to be a bit of a control freak and try to get people to do what I want them to do but no more I will ask people to do what I want them to do they can or not I won’t pester them about it. Do you try to get people to do what you want them to do even though you can tell that they don’t want to?