Tag Archives: Competing

Day 1216: Competing against thyself

Life is not a competition between yourself and others life is a competition between yourself and older versions of yourself   – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s  1: 13 PM on day 1216 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth, hang with family, pray, feed myself a chicken wrap for breakfast, go drop my sister at the airport – she’s gone back to university after summer break it’s going to take a while to get used to not having her around again but it is what it is I have to find ways to go out and do stuff without her maybe this year I’ll ask our housekeeper to come with me when I need to go somewhere (I can’t go anywhere without someone being there with me)-     read 2 Chronicles 19 and publish my Disability of the Day feature.


This morning I realized life is not a competition between yourself and others life is a competition between yourself and older versions of yourself other people might be doctors, lawyers, rich or famous but as long as you’re the best version of yourself you’ve got nothing to worry about.  Are you the only one that you’re competing against?