Tag Archives: Cerebral Paly


Different is cool but different is also hard – that’s what I’ve realized

People make me so sad . Today my sister and i were waiting outside the mall for our brother to come pick us up after movies The woman sitting on the bench with us: My son is also wheelchair-bound – it’s so nice of your sister to take you out. My sister clearly understanding how the woman’s words made me feel didn’t accept the woman’s praise: it’s ok I could win the Nobel Prize and the person seen out with me would be nominated for sainthood for simply being out with me it makes me so sad that the public assumes everybody who’s with me is with me out of obligation and not choice. Regardless of what I achieve in life most people will always see me as an object of charity and pity #RealitiesOfDisability

Day 3046: Riding Out My Storms

Sometimes all you can do is ride out the storm – that’s what I’ve realized.

It’s 11: 55 AM on day 3046 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, and do some work

This morning I was lying in bed when all of a sudden I felt extremely painful spasms at the bottom of my left foot – sometimes they happen in both feet other times just in one – they happen so infrequently and at unexpected times that I’ve never seen the point in seeking medical help for it (taking medication on an ongoing bases for something that may or may not happen on a given day, no thanks) when they happen I just lie there and silently wait for the storm to pass and nobody in the house is none the wiser (maybe someday I’ll tell them the extent of the physical pain but right now I don’t see the point in spilling my guts it would only make them feel powerless they didn’t cause my Cerebral Palsy nor can they take away the physical pain that comes with it (there’s very little I can do to help my family so I’ll spare them the horror story of the pain and discomfort I endure daily)).