Tag Archives: CANSA Shavathon

Day 2356: Me at CANSA Shavathon 2017

We should do things not based on convenience or difficulty level but rather on the level of importance  – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12  :  47 PM on day 2356 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read  Romans 12: 9-21, go to the CANSA Shavathon – glad to do some good –  and learn a new word –   Coltish [colt·ish] adj. Energetic but awkward in one’s movements or behavior. Playful, not trained or disciplined. “Coltish horseplay to celebrate their graduation.”


Today I went to the CANSA Shavathon – an annual nationwide fundraising event here in South Africa in support of those affected by cancer – it wasn’t the easiest or most convenient thing for me to do I had to be driven to the mall and pushed around to get to there but in the end I got there and got my hair sprayed it felt good to know I was doing my part to make someone’s journey slightly more bearable (sometimes you have to do that which is hard and inconvenient just because it’s the right thing to do).
