Tag Archives: 11 Random Things about Me

Day 617

There’s a first time for everything– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 7 : 45 PM on day 617 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  feed myself  All Bran Flakes  for breakfast, drink  Green Tea by myself,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, exercise my right hand –  I  cut  pieces of  bread  using a knife with my right hand need a  few more practice sessions and I’ll be able to eat with a fork and knife I am SO PROUD of me :)   – feed myself rice and curry for lunch, watch TV, feed myself Batura for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Yesterday Shasta over at Outrageous Fortune tagged me in a post titled 11 question (Part One) which was a link-up to an 11 Questions post on Bringing the Sunshine and although I don’t usually participate in link-ups this time I making an exception  because it  seems fun so here goes:

The Rules

1) Post these rules.
2) Post 11 random things about yourself.
3) Answer the questions set for you in the post of those who tagged you.
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5) Go to their blog (or email them or tweet them) and tell the people you tagged that you’ve tagged them.
6) No stuff in the tagging section about “you are tagged if you are reading this.” You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

11 Random Things about Me

  1. I love yoghurt of any kind except low-fat (that stuff tastes  disgusting!)
  2. I can only take pills in capsule form
  3. I used to get car sick when I was younger
  4. I want to travel the world and meet new people
  5. My favorite color is blue
  6. I have a metal rod in my back (I had Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) the doctors put a metal rod in my back to fix it)
  7. I hate mayonnaise
  8. I am the eldest of three kids
  9. I don’t fail because I NEVER EVER EVER quit (quitting is not an option for me in anything I do I would  rather die try than quit)
  10. I don’t wear make-up even when I go out (I figure the people who have made up their minds to judge me will judge me whether or not I wear make-up and besides I know that that I am the same person whether or not I wear make up  )
  11. I don’t own a cell-phone (my dad offered to buy me one but I said thanks but no thanks I will buy a cell phone when I can afford to pay the monthly payments… my financial philosophy is if you can’t afford it you don’t need it)

I choose to tag bloggers from the following blogs:













11 Questions All Those Tagged Need to Answer

  1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
  2. What’s your favorite food?
  3. Sweet or savory?
  4. Do you see the glass as half empty or as  half full?
  5. If tomorrow was your last day, what would you do today?
  6. What has been your most memorable movement in life so far?
  7. Love or money?
  8. If you could go back in time and relive a moment in your life, which moment would you relive?
  9. What do you love most about yourself?
  10. What is the craziest thing that you’ve ever done?
  11. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be and why?


My Answers to Shasta’s 11 Questions

1. What products do you have in your shower?


Soap, shampoo and other stuff


2. What one frivolous (not essential to survival) thing would you want with you on a desert island?


A laptop


3. What’s your favorite throw-together meal?


Baked beans on toast


4. If you could only visit one restaurant for the rest of your life, which would it be?


Spur (a popular steakhouse in South Africa)


5. What color is your favorite pair of shoes?




6. Dogs or cats? (Or, “other”?)




7. Describe a moment, however brief, in the past week when you felt joyful.


Yesterday seeing the pictures of the people who will be helped by the well I raised money for


8. You have an entire day off from responsibilities, but you can’t spend any money. What does your free dream day look like?


My dream day would consist of volunteering at a local orphanage. I LOVE kids!


9. If you had $1 million to give to charity, what cause would you give it to?

I would split it four ways between the United Nations Food Programme, Kids Caring 4 Kids, Project Yesu and The Water Project


10. What is a picture that you wish you had? Either a moment in time that wasn’t captured, a picture of a person passed or a place in the world? Anything you would like an image of.


The moment I realized I raised enough money to build a well for a community somewhere in the world.


11. Would you rather have a blanket made of the softest material imaginable with a stone bed or a rough, scratchy blanket with a gloriously soft and cushy bed?


I would rather have a scratchy blanket with a gloriously soft and cushy bed.