Day 2983: Today I Cry

Even when life’s not going your way be grateful that you still  have life and a chance to get it right– that’s my message to the world


It’s 11: 44 AM on day 2983 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse, and do some work


Today I’m river of tears my poor brother keeps asking why I am crying I can’t tell him that I look outside and I’m envious of the birds because they are freer than I’ll ever be, I can’t tell him that although I’m grateful for my healthy body I feel imprisoned in it, I can’t tell him it sucks that people my age are married with kids while I still need help wiping my rear-end, I can’t tell him I’m never alone but I’m always lonely because nobody I know shares my experience or my uncertain future…I can’t tell him any of that so I ignore his question and  continue to cry silently – sometimes I wish I wasn’t so aware OF EVERYTHING it almost seems cruel to make someone so capable of mind and heart and yet so challenged physically.

One thought on “Day 2983: Today I Cry

  1. Stan Faryna

    These moments ask only a little patience.

    Remember God has made you wonderfully and for wonderful purposes.

    Remember also Jesus on the cross- naked, mocked, bruised, and crucified.

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